Latest KPI from Ad World Masters
Hey, Agencies and Marketers! After half of the year of activity, we would like to share with you some numbers, mostly referring to our web traffic.
- In the first half of 2019, our platform was visited 38 464 times by 29 222 users.
- Only in June, it was 20 582 sessions from 17 204 users.
- In the first half of 2019 our average time spent on site is 3:13 seconds, the average user visited 3,25 pages.
- Our average bounce rate is 43,64%.
- Around 60% of our traffic is from Europe (8% is from the UK), 13% North America, 10% India.
- We have now 10 010 agencies registered from 111 countries.
These results were achieved thanks to our powerful social media channels, our advertising activities and thanks to our SEO strategy and direct marketing. We plan to generate monthly traffic 15k – 30k visits per month until the end of the year.
Some agencies are capitalizing on this B2B traffic:
- One of the agencies who was using our ADWM Ads – our self-service ad system – generated 1 593 visits on its agency profile during the 6 months.
- One agency was shortlisted 12 times by marketers during the past 6 months period. As a premium subscriber, the agency can access contact details of these qualified leads to turn them into deals.
Some users reportedly started collaborations from initial encountering through Ad World Masters. We aim at further dynamic growth. Grow with us! Register for free, test and use Ad World Masters. Find partners and collaborate with the best firms from around the world.