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236 Profile views
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0 Shortlistings
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0 Outbound clicks
Represents the number of times when the agency's website, its social channels, or case studies were visited
Speciality: Marketing Strategy
Cities: Maitland
Founded: 2015
Company size: 2
Network: Independent
Minimum budget: N/A
Hourly rate: -
Languages: English
Providing services: United States
info conectaragencyGeneral Manager[email protected]
Orlando Avenue 1620, 32751
Maitland, United States
See on Google Maps
Conectar Agency is a boutique marketing, branding, and advertising agency providing specialized campaigns with actualized results. Our proven and disciplined system enhances, dimensional diversity, traffic, and customer retention. Conectar Agency has extensive breadth and depth in all digital marketing platforms. Utilizing cutting edge technology, we offer the sophisticated, track-able, and flexible creative solutions in website design, development, and social media connectivity. We also streamline and optimize all media whether it be print, commercials, or digital to increase brand recognition and a robust seamless presence within and beyond your demographic community. Diversification of services and programs is our motto. Our clientele has been very diverse from tiny to gargantuan. Conectar Agency has had wide ranging experience in targeted campaigns within the service and entertainment industry, medical and pharmaceutical industry, the US Army, business management firms, and more. Not only do we provide exponential growth within your brand, but also offer driven solutions within your company for training, business infrastructure, ergonomics, and expanding markets. Conectar Agency provides any solution: public relation, brand development, redesign, and promotion across digital and print media. We reinterpret the traditional and inject novelty and energy.
Web Design
Social Media
Web Development
Media Planning
Online Advertising
Apexone Reality
Twin Medix
Embrolisse Usa
American Blinds
Beauty Connection
Swamp Bar
236 Profile views
Represents the number of times when this profile was visited
0 Shortlistings
Represents the number of times when this profile was shortlisted by a Marketer user
0 Outbound clicks
Represents the number of times when the agency's website, its social channels, or case studies were visited
Speciality: Marketing Strategy
Cities: Maitland
Founded: 2015
Company size: 2
Network: Independent
Minimum budget: N/A
Hourly rate: -
Languages: English
Providing services: United States